What is a Cutting Diet and How to Follow it

Melissa Feldman

Bodybuilders, athletes, and workout enthusiasts often follow a short-term cutting diet regimen to reduce body fat without losing muscle mass. This involves a personalized diet plan that includes protein, fat, and carbs combined with weightlifting....

What Causes Snoring in Females and How To Treat It

Dr. Ahmed Zayed

Snoring is a common issue that affects many people. Research suggests[1] that about 45% of individuals snore occasionally, while 25% of adults snore frequently. While men are more likely to snore[2] compared to women, it...

A Beginner’s Guide to Spiritual Meditation

Dr. Ahmed Zayed

Embarking on a journey of spiritual meditation can be both a transformative and enriching experience, offering a pathway to inner peace, self-discovery, and heightened awareness. In today’s society where stress and distractions are abundant, the...