Gas can cause your gut to feel bloated and heavy, which is particularly frustrating at night when you are trying to relax and get some rest. You may lie awake thinking about your upset stomach and ask yourself, “Why am I so gassy at night?” The basic answer is that there are multiple factors involved. In this article, we’ll discuss the causes of nighttime gas and give you some great tips to help you settle your stomach and get a good night’s rest.

What is Gas?

Gas is the excess air that builds up in the digestive system, and it passes through the rectum to be released as flatulence. Intestinal gas consists primarily of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and small amounts of hydrogen and methane.

Gas can form in the intestines due to multiple factors, some of which include swallowing air when eating or drinking, dietary fiber fermentation, and the process of food breakdown by gut bacteria[1]. It may be released either through belching, which is when air moves from the digestive tract through the mouth, or farting.

However, you may be wondering, “Why am I so gassy at night?” Keep reading and we’ll give you the answers to this and many of your other questions about night-time farting.

Why Do We Fart?

In addition to asking, “Why am I so gassy at night?” many people wonder why we pass gas in the first place. Farting or flatulence is a natural biological process that occurs due to a buildup of gases in the intestines, and everyone does it.

Are you still wondering, “Why am I so gassy?” In summary, the primary factors that could lead to gas include:

  • Digestion and food breakdown
  • Swallowing excess air
  • Bacteria in the intestines
  • Dietary changes like switching to high-fiber foods

The gas that accumulates in your intestines has to go somewhere. Although the body does absorb some of it, a buildup of gases in the intestines can lead to digestive health issues such as bloating. If you’ve asked yourself, “Why am I bloated in the morning, or at night when I’m trying to sleep?”, this is your answer. We fart to get rid of the accumulated gas[2] as painlessly as possible.

Is Bloating At Night Normal?

Bloating in the evening is relatively normal, particularly for people who eat several meals as well as snacks throughout the day. People become gassy at night for several reasons including snacking late in the evening, overeating at dinner, consuming raw vegetables, drinking too much liquid with meals, or an imbalance in the gut micro biome.

Although bloating at night may not signal a specific health issue, there’s also a chance that it could have an underlying medical cause. This is especially the case when the bloating is persistent or excessive, which could indicate either irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD).

When you’re trying to answer the question, “Why am I so gassy at night?” consider factors like what and how you eat and the severity and persistence of the issue.

Nuu3 Gut Health 365

What Causes Farting While You Sleep?

To figure out how to stop being gassy at night, it’s important to consider the possible reasons for your bloating and flatulence. These are some of the most common causes of nighttime farting.

Your diet makes you gassy at night

The nutrition you consume during the day can play a significant role in determining whether you have flatulence at night, as some foods produce more gas during the process of digestion. Beans, cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli, and other high-fiber foods are particularly likely to lead to gas release[3] during the night.

Natural digestion is taking place

Your digestive system continues to function even when you sleep, processing and breaking down food as usual, and this may make you gassy at night at times.

Eating Late

Snacking late at night may overload your gut and make it more difficult for your digestive system to process food efficiently. Poor digestion can cause gases to build up in the intestines, leading to farting. If you are trying to decide, “Why am I so gassy?” take into account your late-night eating habits.

You're not moving and hydrating enough

Leading a sedentary lifestyle can make your digestive system sluggish and contribute to excess bloating and flatulence. If you’re wondering, “Why am I bloated in the morning?” ask yourself how much physical activity you are getting on a daily and weekly basis. People who get little exercise can benefit significantly from taking probiotics to enhance digestive health[4]. In addition, if you don’t drink enough fluid daily you may become dehydrated, which slows digestion and causes gas retention leading to flatulence.

Drinking Carbonated Beverages At Night

Drinking carbonated beverages at night adds gas in the form of carbon dioxide to your digestive system, which makes you more prone to farting in your sleep.

Overeating Fiber at Dinner

Fiber helps promote healthy digestion, but when consumed excessively it can cause bloating and impair gas transit[5]. As fiber-rich foods are more difficult to digest, eating too much can lead to nighttime farting.

In summary, it’s important to keep in mind that flatulence when you sleep is caused by a combination of factors. However, once you understand the answer to the question, “Why am I so gassy at night?” you are well on your way to overcoming the problem.

How To Stop Being Gassy At Night

Now that you have enough information to answer, “Why am I so gassy at night?” you can start to look for solutions to help manage the problem. There are a number of things you can do to reduce nighttime flatulence, and these are some of the best methods.

Practice Mindful Eating and Drinking

Mindful eating involves chewing slowly, focusing on each bite, and savoring the taste and flavor of the food. This method can help significantly in reducing the amount of air that you ingest during a meal, and studies confirm that mindful eating is good for your digestion[6].

If you want to learn how to stop being gassy at night using mindfulness, it’s quite a simple process. Eat your meals slowly, avoid rushing, and don’t speak while you’re eating. Just sit back, relax, and focus on your food.

Stop Chewing Gum And Eating Hard Candy

Chewing gum and eating hard candy can cause you to swallow excess air, which as you already know can lead to bloating and flatulence. Opt for healthier, sugar-free snacks instead and your stomach will thank you.

Sit Down And Chew Slowly

If you tend to rush during meals, this could be part of the answer to the question, “Why am I so gassy?” Chewing and swallowing quickly can slow down your digestion, which may lead to bloating as your gut struggles to break down the food. We recommend eating slowly and chewing each bite thoroughly each time you sit down for a meal.

Quit Smoking

There is research[7] indicating a link between smoking and gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating, constipation, and abdominal cramps. This unhealthy habit introduces toxins into your body, and it also increases the amount of air that you swallow. Many smokers wonder, “Why am I bloated in the morning?” because they forget to consider that their bad habit could be playing a role.

Do Warm-Up Exercises

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and it makes you gassy at night, you can resolve this problem by engaging in regular physical activity. The additional exercise should help to stimulate digestion and prevent the accumulation of gas.

Take Supplements

There are a number of quality all-natural supplements on the market, many of which contain ingredients like herbs, probiotics, and enzymes that promote healthy digestion and ease bloating and flatulence.

If you often ask, “Why am I so gassy?” you may want to consult a healthcare professional for advice about the best supplements to provide relief.

How Much Gas Is Too Much?

Intestinal gas[8] a few times a day is completely normal, but flatulence and/or burping over 20 times daily is defined as excessive. In addition to burping and farting, you may experience abdominal discomfort. Severe gas is linked to health problems such as celiac disease, colon cancer, lactose intolerance, GERD, and IBS, so if the issue persists and affects your quality of life, make sure to see a doctor.

How Can Nuu3 Products Help With Gas And Bloating?

As we have said, there are a number of dietary supplements on the market that help manage bloating and flatulence. In a sea of different brands, Nuu3 stands out as a highly reputable manufacturer that delivers on its claims with every product.

Enriched with 9 nutrient-rich whole grains plus 9 fruits and vegetables, Nuu3 Nature’s Superfuel supports gut health and encourages the growth of good bacteria, relieving symptoms like gas and bloating. With regular use, you may never again have to ask the question, “Why am I bloated in the morning?”

Nuu3 Gut Health 365 is another potent digestive health supplement that eases gas and bloating. In addition, the formula promotes beneficial gut bacteria, relieves digestive upset, reduces inflammation, optimizes nutrient absorption, and strengthens the immune system.

Nuu3 Daily Multivitamin Gummies provide essential daily nutrients like vitamins and minerals that support overall well-being and increase energy levels. The added energy can help keep you physically active, which improve digestive health and reduces gas and bloating.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you treat trapped gas in your stomach?

You can relieve trapped gas in your stomach by walking, taking an over-the-counter product, or performing a gentle abdominal massage. If you feel gassy at night, make sure to avoid carbonated beverages, gas-producing foods, and large meals. Consult a healthcare provider if the problem persists.

Do probiotics help with gas?

Probiotics help relieve gas because they promote a healthy gut microbiome, and certain strains in particular such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus are known for their ability to enhance digestion and reduce flatulence.

There is a growing body of evidence indicating that probiotics can improve the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome[9] including gas and bloating. If you’re wondering how to stop being gassy at night or during the day, we recommend trying probiotic supplements or foods rich in probiotics.

What side should you lay on to relieve gas?

Lying on your left side encourages the natural movement of gas through the colon and may relieve discomfort. Still wondering how to stop being gassy at night? At the same time, gently massage your abdomen in a clockwise motion to further support the elimination of flatulence.

However, research also shows that body posture can influence gas elimination[10], and may be easier when you’re in an upright position.


One of the most common questions about digestive health that we get online is, “Why am I so gassy at night?” In this article, we have explained the causes of this issue and provided you with some excellent suggestions for relieving the problem.

A few simple dietary and lifestyle tweaks can go a long way toward preventing or managing night-time bloating and flatulence. Combine these interventions with a regular dietary supplement for a peaceful, fart-free sleep at night.



Dr. Ahmed Zayed

Dr. Ahmed Zayed

Dr. Zayed, has years of experience in the field and has been contributing to public health awareness. Dr. Ahmed Zayed holds a baccalaureate of Medicine and Surgery. Egypt. Dr. Zayed believes in providing knowledgeable information to readers. His articles were featured on many websites like HuffingtonPost, Chicagotribune . Other than his passion for writing, Dr. Zayed spends his time outside the hospital, either reading or at the gym.

Dr. Ahmed Zayed
Tagged: body